Model Validation
Predictive models open up a bunch of possibilities when it comes to implementing statistics in a basketball setting. We can use linear regression to predict continuous variables, like how many points a team will score, and logistic regression to predict categorical variables, like whether a player makes a shot. So far, we’ve only looked at how a model performs with data we trained it on; what we really want to know is how well our models perform on unseen data. We can do this through various forms of model validation.
Why Model Validation
Think of a team trying to predict how many wins they’ll have in a season. They take their win totals from all of their previous seasons as well as some stats and build a model using these stats to predict their win totals. They constantly play with the data, transforming variables until everything is perfectly aligned and they get an average error value of .01. Their predicted wins are nearly perfectly in line with their actual wins! Going into the next season, the team runs the model with their current stats and their prediction ends up being way off… How could this be?
The reason why is the model was overfit, and since there was no validation process, no one noticed. Model validation allows us to get an idea of how our model will perform on new data. The past is the past! Of course the model is going to show better results on data it’s already been trained on, or seen, before. We want to predict future events well, and to do this, we have to guage our model’s success on unseen data!
Training and Testing; a Simple Approach
One of the more common, and easy approaches to model validation is simply splitting our data in two. The first set is called a training set, as this is the data our model will be trained on. The second is the test set, as this will be what our model is tested on. Pretty straightforward when you think about it!
In most instances, the training set is a bit larger than the test set. We want to be able to train our model on as much data as possible, while also having enough test data to accurately guage how well we’d do on unseen data. I have usually seen data split 70/30 between training and testing, but there is no one rule about the split; it’s up to the researcher.
Let’s look at an example using player win shares. We’ll scrape some data from basketball reference, specifically the name, win shares, usage percentage, and true shooting percentage of all players from the 2016-17 season.
"" %>%
read_html('#advanced_stats') %>%
html_table() %>%
#selecting and removing the table from a stored list
.[[1]] %>%
#cleaning up column names for R
`colnames<-` (make.names(colnames(.), unique=T)) %>%
#removing duplicates
.[!duplicated(.$Player),] %>%
#selecting columns we want
select(Player, TS., USG., WS) %>%
#changing numeric columns from character to numeric
mutate_at(.funs=funs(as.numeric), .vars=vars(TS., USG., WS)) %>%
#change usage percentage to a percent
mutate(USG.=USG./100) %>%
#remove na's
## Player TS. USG. WS
## 1 Alex Abrines 0.560 0.159 2.1
## 2 Quincy Acy 0.565 0.168 0.9
## 3 Steven Adams 0.589 0.162 6.5
## 4 Arron Afflalo 0.559 0.144 1.4
## 5 Alexis Ajinca 0.529 0.172 1.0
## 6 Cole Aldrich 0.549 0.094 1.3
In the preceding code, we scrape and select the columns we want to work with from basketball reference’s advanced stats table. Something to note about basketball reference data is that players who played for more than one team are listed multiple times; a row for each team they were on and a total row. We removed all but the total row in that chunk of code.
With our data scraped, let’s split it up. There are multiple ways of
doing this, but I’ll show you how by introducing a function from the
library. caret
is going to be our good friend when it comes to
model validation.
split<- createDataPartition(adv.stats$WS, p=.7, list=F)
training<- adv.stats[split, ]
testing<- adv.stats[-split, ]
randomly splits a data outcome (in this case win
shares) by a specified value, p (in this case 70%). The result are
several row numbers that encompass 70% of our dataset. We can then use
these row numbers to index the adv.stats
dataframe into a training and
testing set; rows that are included with split are put into training,
while those that aren’t are put into testing.
Let’s now build a linear regression model using the training dataframe.
ws.lm<- lm(WS ~ TS. + USG., data=training)
## Call:
## lm(formula = WS ~ TS. + USG., data = training)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -5.8418 -1.4045 -0.4431 0.9780 9.7294
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -9.5932 0.9026 -10.628 <2e-16 ***
## TS. 15.7845 1.4940 10.565 <2e-16 ***
## USG. 20.4471 2.2386 9.134 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2.311 on 338 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.3662, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3624
## F-statistic: 97.64 on 2 and 338 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
It looks like both true shooting percentage and usage percentage are
significant and explain 36.24% of the variance in our data. Each
additional true shooting percentage point would lead to .01*15.7845
win shares, or .157845. Each additional usage percentage point would
lead to .01*20.4471
win shares, or .204471.
Let’s calculate the root mean squared error of our training dataset
predictions to see how well they did. The RMSE is the square root of the
average squared difference between actual and predicted win shares. It’s
essentially a weighted average error, with larger errors being weighted
more. The Metrics
library has a premade RMSE function as well as
several other helpful functions.
rmse(training$WS, predict(ws.lm))
## [1] 2.300745
Our RMSE value is 2.3 win shares. The lower this number is the better as it indicates a smaller error. Hopefully by now you realize that this number is not that important. What we really want to see is how the model does with our testing set!
rmse(testing$WS, predict(ws.lm, newdata=testing))
## [1] 2.477909
As you can see, we have a slightly larger RMSE for our test set. That is to be expected because this is new data that the model hasn’t seen before. The difference isn’t too bad, indicating that our model isn’t overfitting on our training data. This is the number we should really be focused on, as it’s a better indicator of how our model will perform going forward. Never assume that good training results will lead to good testing results!
K-Fold Cross Validation
Although the training/testing approach is straightforward and simple, it can have issues. Specifically, we could run into high variance in our result measures. With only one split in the data taking place, we could get extremely varied results depending on which observations get put into which group.
There is a way to improve this! K-fold cross validation is similar to the training and testing set approach, except it splits the data into K subsets, or folds. For example, 3-fold cross validation would split the data into 3 subsets, A, B, and C. 3 models are built on each combination of folds, A-B, A-C, and B-C. For each instance, the model is tested on the fold that was left out of the model building process. These test measures are then averaged across each fold. This process can also be repeated to get folds with different combinations of observations. Not only does this reduce result variance, but it also uses the entire dataset in the model building process.
We can perform K-fold cross validation with the caret
library. The
first step we’ll take is specify the trainControl
. This is where we
specify the type of validation method we want to perform. Here we’ll
specify 5-fold cross validation with 3 repeats.
model.control<- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 3)
Next we will build the model. Rather than specify the lm
command, we
use the train
function. The train
command is how models are fit in
, with the type of model being specified by the method
Unfortunately, not every type of model is built into the caret
library; a lot are, though, and are listed within the caret
fold.lm<- train(WS ~ TS. + USG., data=adv.stats, trControl=model.control,
## Linear Regression
## 485 samples
## 2 predictor
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold, repeated 3 times)
## Summary of sample sizes: 389, 387, 388, 389, 387, 389, ...
## Resampling results:
## RMSE Rsquared
## 2.351253 0.3422838
## Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE
So on average, across all folds over each repeat, our RMSE value has
decreased slightly to 2.35; we may have gotten a bit of bad luck in our
original training/testing approach. More information can be retrived
through the summary
variable as well.
I use K-fold cross validation most of the time to validate my models. I also take an extra step in validating and split my data into training and testing before I use K-fold validation. This isn’t necessary, but it’s just an extra step to ensure my models can handle new data. Validation allows us to not just focus on building a model to meet some metric value (whether that be RMSE, adjusted R squared, etc.), but to also build a model that is flexible and adaptive to new data. Once this idea is put into practice, our models can actually answer our questions with confidence!